


Importance of Voice Broadcasting and Bulk Voice Calling:

  • 31st October 2012
Voice broadcasting and Bulk voice calls are actually digital recordings which are used for mass communication and are widely spreading technologies now days. Bulk voice calls are actually pre recorded voice messages, which can be sent to a land line number or a mobile phone. These are also used for notifications and alerts and also allow you to ...
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The Logic behind a Predictive Dialer

  • 24th October 2012
Predictive dialer makes the life of a telemarketer very much easier. The logic behind the developing of a predictive dialing system was that there should be a system which should have the ability to dial a large scale of phone numbers. It checks that which ports are available and are not busy and then forward the calls to that ports. ...
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Why Cold Calling Is On Its Way Out

  • 10th October 2012
I recently saw an article posted on LinkedIn titled: 15 Posts on Why Cold Calling Is On Its Way OutThe article caught my attention because as a small business owner and a life-long straight commissioned phone sales rep who makes a living using both social selling and cold calling, I suspected another misleading article that could be down ...
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Voice Broadcasting meets Canada

  • 20th September 2012
Voice Broadcasting has significantly proven how effective it is. Remarkably, years have passed and like an unforgettable memory it stays in the different businesses for various favorable reasons. Its ability to defeat the needless time consumption has been evident. Imagine dialing a thousands of targeted market in minutes. It is by far truly ...
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