

Predictive Dialer Connection Method - PBX Print

  • 26

Connection Method PBX Phone System

If you have a PBX phone system integration is easy! Just have your network administrator provide you with your SIP Address. 

Get YOUR specific user connection settings under the Admin tab as shown below.

 Click on the Admin Tab: (This will need to be done for each user utilizing this as their preferred connection method)

 Then to the right of the specific user hover over the second icon from the left and click on Connection Settings. 

 Choose  SIP Address PBX and view the users settings.

 Click Save Changes

 Log out then Log In to be sure your new settings take effect. 

** This will need to be done for each user using this as their preferred connection method.
** If you have any issues with the pbx phone setup please open a support ticket by clicking here 

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