

Predictive Dialer Connection Method - SIP/Soft Phone Zoiper Settings Print

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This method of connection is suggested if you do not have or do not want to use a land line phone for communicating through the dialer. You will need a USB headset to plug into your computer if you use this connection type as it eliminates the need to use a phone.

To use this connection type some users have reported issues with 3rd party anti virus software such as Mcaffe and Norton. If you experience any issues we suggest you only use the Windows firewall and disable or uninstall the 3rd party anti virus.

 Click on the Admin Tab: (This will need to be done for each user utilizing this as their preferred connection method)


 Then to the right of the specific user hover over the second icon from the left and click on Connection Settings

 Choose SIP Phone as shown below.
 Click the Download link next to PreConfigured Client: Download
 Click Save Changes

 Next Open the file you just Downloaded (if it doesnt open automatically depending on your browser)

 Verify your operating system as indicated below

 Choose the Free Version as shown below, then download and install the Zoiper SIP phone

 You may get the message below or similar depending on what version of Windows you are using, go ahead accept and run the program.

  During the install besure to allow the program through your Firewall shown below.

 Once you have installed Zoiper you will want to be sure to set default sound device as shown below.
 Open Zoiper from your desktop (if not already open).  

 Configure Microphone and Speaker

You may access this Audio Wizard by Clicking on the speaker icon on the bottom right
Clicking on the Settings menu in Zoiper and selecting Audio Wizard

Zoiper windows main window contacts tab

Zoiper comes with a built-in Audio Wizard for easy configuration of your microphone and Speaker.

Zoiper windows audio wizard start test dialog

Zoiper will configure your Speakers first.

Click on the “start the test” – button.

Zoiper windows audio wizard test speakers dialog

If your speakers are configured and connected properly, you should hear a ringing sound. If you do, please click on the Yes button and move on to the Microphone step.

If no ringing sound was heard, please make sure your speakers are connected properly and powered on and if needed change the selected audio device on the bottom of the page to a different one and try again by clicking on the “no” – button.

Zoiper windows audio wizard test microphone dialog

Click on the “Test your microphone” – button to start recording your voice.

Zoiper windows audio wizard testing microphone dialog

If the selected microphone is connected properly, you should see the volume meter move when speaking into the microphone. If the volume meter is not moving, please check your cabling and make sure the proper audio device is selected in the Device section on the bottom of the page.

   All Done, Now when you click to join a campaign from the Home tab the the SIP Phone will ring and you must Answer/Accept the call to talk through the SIP Phone.

** This will need to be done for each user using this as their preferred connection method **
** If you have any issues with the sip phone setup please open a support ticket by clicking here 

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