

Predictive Dialer How do I set up user email templates to send emails Print

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The dialer supports one-click email sending in HTML format, no attachments are allowed you must use hyper links to saved content if you want a recipient to download something from the email.  

Step #1 To set up a email template you must click on the Settings Tab. 

Step #2 Select the Setup Email Templates button

Step #3 Enter a Name for the template you are creating
- Enter all or part of the email content in the content box and select Add Email Template
- Enter the Send From email address 
- Click Done
Once you've created your template you can click on the name of the Email template to edit it. 

Now when an agent is on a call and viewing a lead from the Contact View Tab the Send Email button will be clickable.  

 Select the Send Email button and choose the email from the list of email templates you have created.

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