

Predictive Dialer How do I add or edit a campaign Print

  • Add Contacts, Edit Campaign, Getting Started, Create Campaign
  • 27

Step #1 Click on the Campaigns tab

Step #2 Click Create New Campaign (top right of screen) 
OR To edit an existing campaign  Click on the yellow pencil below the already created campaign name


Step #3 Choose your desired campaign options

  • Name, Give your campaign a name.
  • Description, Optional
  • Caller ID Number, Number you want shown to callers.
  • Limit Calling Hours, You specify the time in which you do not want the system to call a number based on its area code time zone. 
  • Limit Users, You can specify users that can access the campaign
  • Dial Rate Override, *Note your Abandon Rate should not exceed 3-5% by law if it does you should reduce the amount of line you are using.
      • Select the desired amount of calls the dialer should make at a time, this selection is a ratio per agent joined to the campaign.
      • Start with a dial rate of 2 and watch your abandon rate for each campaign (shown under your Campaigns tab) 
      • Choosing higher lines is not always better, as the dialer will connect to more people then you or your agents can talk to.
      • When that happens people will answer and you are not available or the call will be bridged seconds to late and you will hear dead air on your side because the caller has just hung up. 
      • The Auto option is a true predictive algorithm that automatically adjusts the lines up or down to keep the abandon rate under 3%. This feature is only useful with 3 or more active agents on the same campaign at the same time, otherwise dialer just dials 1 number at a time.
      • The Inbound option will make no out bound calls however can can still make Manual calls out from that campaign.
  • AMD, (Answering Machine Detection) do not use this function when calling businesses. This is due to the fact that most businesses answer the phone with an introduction rather than "Hello" confusing the auto dialer as an answering machine pick up. The AMD feature works best when calling consumers who answer with and expected "Hello" then pausing for a response.

    When calling consumers function will also add a 1-2 second delay before bridging the caller with the agent. The reason for this is the system listens for that brief pause in the answer, if it detects the pause it will then bridge the call with the agent. If there is no pause the system will conclude its and answering machine and skip over the call. If you want no pause or delay then do not enable the AMD and this will allow the system to connect the caller immediately. 
  • Record All, your conversations

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