

Predictive Dialer How do I add or edit a user Print

  • 1892

In order to add additional users to your account you must have first paid for additional users Click Here to place your order if you have not already done so. 

Step #1 Click on the Admin button (bottom left of screen)
If already logged in you will need to log out and log back in to see the newly enabled Create New User button. 

Step #2 Click Create New User (top right of screen) 
The Create New User button (only shown if your account is eligible to add additional users).

OR To edit an existing user  Click on the yellow pencil below the already created users name

Step #3 Complete your users details
Fill in the required information as shown below. Be sure to set the users Email Address as the Login Name since the system needs each users login to be unique.

*Note: The POST URL and Support URL options are to allow the user to integrate with a 3rd party CRM.

Step #4 Choose your desired user privileges
Select the Privileges tab and check the privileges/options you wish to assign to the new user (items checked below are most common for a standard agent/user).

Step #5 Select the Tabs & Appearance tab
Choose the viewable /options you wish the new user to see (items checked below are most common for a standard agent/user).

Step #6 You're Done 
Click Add User and provide the New User their log in credentials.

Additional Related Articles For Adding New Users as Needed:
Predictive Dialer How do I add numbers a users phone book for transferring calls?
Predictive Dialer How do I set up agent call scripts?
Predictive Dialer How do I set up email templates to send emails?

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