

Predictive Dialer Trouble Shooting I am experiencing drop calls , poor voice quality or screen freezes Print

  • 2092

There are a few reasons this can happen. Poor voice quality caused by the network will manifest itself in any packet loss in excess of 1%. First things first lets take care of the most common quick fixes.

  1. Close any tabs open on  your browser not needed (this frees up memory and speeds up your browser)
  2. Clear your browser cache (this gets rid of old junk from other websites you visited)
  3. Close any programs open on your computer not being used (this frees up memory and resources)
  4. Restart your computer (once you've cleared your browser cache and closed any un used tabs)
  5. InterCloud9 recommends always using a WIRED (not wi-fi) always-on connection like Fiber or Broadband Cable.

If the above doesn't help proceed to the steps below

Step #1 Browser Software
Please ensure you have the most current version of Google Chrome or Firefox installed (see below for instruction links for Chrome or Firefox) these are the only two browsers we suggest you use.

  • Chrome:
  • Firefox: 

Step #2 Internet Connection

Speed Test:

  • For each seat on the dialer you must have 200kb of dedicated bandwidth upload and download speed for that client (example: If you have 5 seats you will need at least 1 Mbs up and down)
  • We suggest a minimum internet speed for any user of 3 Mbs down and 1 Mbs up to compensate for other programs like email, internet or a VOIP phone as this deducts from your bandwidth.
  • Your Network Latency should be less than 30
  • Jitter should be less than 3
  • Packet Loss should be 0%
  • Test your internet speed using the test box below.

If your system does not have the proper speeds, you cannot run the dialer and will need to contact your ISP and have your internet speed increased. If your system has high in latency/jitter/packet loss you must contact your ISP. There is nothing we can do if you are experiencing high ping/jitter/packet loss this is a function of your internet provider.


Step #3 Network Requirements

InterCloud9 recommends always using a WIRED (not wi-fi) always-on connection like Fiber or Broadband Cable. In certain situations where the internet connection is being shared it might be necessary to implement VoIP QoS on your router (please consult your network administrator for further instructions).
Dial In Method:  If you are using the call in method you are at the mercy of the telephone carries connecting your call to our servers. This type of call quality can vary based on the calls your local telephone carrier may be experiencing.

You will need the following IP address white listed and
You will need the following URLs white listed - - *
You will need the following ports open in the table below.

Application     Port             Protocol     Purpose
Web Interface   80   TCP   Website
    443   TCP   Website
    4001   TCP   API
    61615   TCP   STOMP
Web Phone   5066   TCP   Web Phone
    7443   TCP   Web Phone
    16384-32768   UDP   Media
SIP Phone   5060   TCP     SIP Phone

Step #4 Computer Requirements

You will need the following PC Computer requirements:

  • Minimum RAM:  2GB with 500MB Available
  • Minimum Processor: Intel Pentium 4 , 1.5 GHz Processor
  • Optimal RAM:  3GB with 500MB Available
  • Optimal Processor:Intel Pentium 4 , Any Dual Core Processor
  • Operating System:  XP or Higher

If using a Mac you will need the following requirements:

  • Minimum RAM: 2GB Minimum
  • Processor: 1.5GHz Processor
  • Optimal RAM:  4GB
  • Optimal Processor:  2.66 I7 GHz Processor

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