

Predictive Dialer Contact View Tab Features Print

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Get Contact: If you have a number that you hung up on and would like to try again.  The number showing on the interface of the dialer will be dialed again.
Hang Up: If you want to disconnect from the call and make notes before dis-positioning and moving to the next call. After clicking the hang up button, make your notes and then disposition the call.
Play Message: If you are dropping a pre-recorded message, when you hit an answering machine you would select this.  There are three ways to drop a message:

  1. Wait for beep and play message will hang up the call so you can go onto your next call but the system will wait in the background and drop a message after the beep.
  2. Play and Hang up is used for situations where you are dialing multiple lines and you come off a call and are routed an answering machine that has been in your abandon hold. If you come on the line and hear the beep immediately you won't be able to use "wait for Beep" because that has passed. Clicking this will hang up the call so you can go onto the next call and the system will play the message immediately.
  3. Play now will play your message and keep you on the line to continue with the customer after. Some customers use this to give recorded presentations as part of their sales pitch or to go through the repetitive part of their greeting on every call

Record: If your agent would like to record a call during the conversation.  Click on the record button and then when you are finish, please click the record button again to stop the recording.  See related article click here
Transfer: This is the blind transfer option. To transfer a call to an outside number, click on the transfer key and then enter the number and transfer the call. See related article click here
Three Way: This is the warm transfer option.  Click on the 3-way and then enter a number.  You will remain on the line with the customer and introduce them to the individual you are transferring too.  If no one answers or if you want to disconnect from the 3rdparty, click 3-way transfer again.  If you want to leave the customer and the third party on the line and disconnect, click the hang up button. ** Please note:  If you have set numbers that you transfer to, your admin can preset them into the system. See related article click here
Email: You can upload an email template that you can send out to your customers.  Click on email, select the template that you would like and then enter the email address to send it to. See related article click here

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