

Predictive Dialer How do I view agent reporting stats and productivity report Print

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From your Dashboard screen you click on "Display Agent Productivity", you will see a new window appear. At the top of the window, you will have the option to select the date or time period you want the statistics of as well as an option to print and/or save the statistics as a CSV file. Below these options you will see all of the statistics listed starting with the total statistics of the account, and then below that statistics divided by agent. Below I have included an explanation for each statistic listed.

  • Total Connects (Campaign) - This is a total of the amount of times all agents in the account have connected to a campaign.
  • Total Calls (Direct/Power Calls) - This is a total of the amount of Manual dials made by all agents in your account.
  • Total Agent Connect Time - This is a total of the amount of time your agents were connected to campaigns, whether they were talking to contacts, waiting for calls to connect or simply logged into the dialer not necessarily joined to a campaign. To avoid false positives please close the browser tab and any sip phones when you are finished dialing.
  • Total Agent Connect Calls - This is a total of the amount of contacts that were actually connected to your agents when dialing in a campaign in your account.
  • Total Contact Talk Time - This is a total of the amount of time your agents have spoken to contacts when dialing in a campaign in your account.

Under these account totals you will find the agent totals broken down by agent. Below is an explanation for each of these statistics listed.

  • Agent Connect Time - This is the amount of time the specific agent was connected in a campaign, whether they were talking to contacts, waiting for calls to connect or simply logged into the dialer not necessarily joined to a campaign. To avoid false positives please close the browser tab and any sip phones when you are finished dialing.
  • Agent Connect Calls -  This is a total of the amount of times the specific agent initiated the campaign connection.
  • Contact Talk Time - This is a total of the amount of the specific agent have spoken to contacts when dialing in a campaign in your account.
  • Connected Campaign Contacts - This is a total of the amount of contacts that were actually connected to the specific agent when dialing in a campaign in your account.
  • Attempted Direct/Power Calls - This is a total of the amount of Manual dials made by the specific agent.

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