

Predictive Dialer How do I set up SMS Text Templates Print

  • SMS, Text
  • 27

The dialer supports one-click SMS text sending, no attachments are allowed you must use hyper links to saved content if you want a recipient to download something from the text.  
NOTE: Each user must complete the steps below to create their own Texting templates as texts are unique to the user in case the user wants to include individual contact info in the text.

Step #1 Click on the Settings Tab (bottom left of screen).

Step #2 Select SMS Templates button

Step #3 Enter a Name for the template you are creating
- Enter the content of your text and select Add SMS Template
- Click Done
Once you've created your template you can click on the name of the SMS template to edit it. 

Now when an agent is on a call and viewing a lead from the Contact View simply select the SMS button.  

 Select the Send SMS button and choose from the list of text templates you have created.

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