

Predictive Dialer Paired Location Local Presence Caller ID Print

  • Caller ID, Local Presence
  • 2955

The predictive dialer has the ability to automatically rotate Caller IDs you have purchased and been assigned to your account. The dialer will match the area code of the number being called, thus creating a local presence to the caller. If there is no matching caller ID area code in your caller ID list then a caller ID will be randomly selected from your list of caller IDs. Return calls to your caller IDs will be routed back into the dialer for an available agent.

To enable this functionality in the dialer you will need to purchase a block of caller IDs by clicking here. Once you have placed your order you will receive instructions on how to request caller IDs in the area codes you need.

Once you receive conformation your caller IDs have been added to your account please log out and back in then proceed as instructed below.

Step #1 Select the numbers you want included in the paired location 

  • Visit the admin area of the dialer here
  • Select the "Configure Paired Locations" button
  • Select from the Available number drop down the number you want included in the paired location and click Add
    *Note only Fully Verified Caller IDs will be available from the list.

Step #2 Go to your campaigns tab shown below

Step #3 Select the campaign you would like the Paired Location caller IDs to be shown to callers and click the Edit Properties pencil shown below

Step #4 Check the box that indicates Use Paired Location 

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