

Predictive Dialer How do I edit a users password settings privileges or defaults Print

  • Edit Users, Add Users
  • 1

 Click on the Admin Tab bottom left of screen


 Below the users name select the Edit setting button to edit a users settings.

*Note: The POST URL and Support URL options are to allow the user to integrate with a 3rd party CRM.

 To edit User Privileges check next to the rights/options you wish to assign to the new user (items checked below are most common for a standard agent/user).

 To edit User Tabs or Appearance check next to the view able /options you wish the new user to see (items checked below are most common for a standard agent/user).

Next click Save Properties and provide the New User there log in credentials.

Additional Steps/Articles For Adding New Users as Required:

Predictive Dialer How do I add numbers a users phone book for transferring calls?
Predictive Dialer How do I set up agent call scripts?
Predictive Dialer How do I set up email templates to send emails?

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