

Predictive Dialer WebPhone and Chrome Print

  • 28

Users should be prompted to allow the dialer to use the computers speakers and microphone when they login to the dialer for the first time as shown below. 

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Log into the dialer
  3. Click on a campaign to join
  4. In the drop down that appears, Choose Allow: This will allow the dialer to user your computers default speakers and microphone.

If you are not prompted for some reason i.e. pop up blocker or you simply didn't see the pop up here is a simple way to allow the interCloud9 dialer to user your computers default speaker and microphone / headset.

Enable Audio Device Manually

Select Allow for the items shown below

** Please note only one user can be logged into the dialer in one tab in one browser on one computer at a time all other webphone connections will be blocked.

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